RHINO Formsavers are specified to provide continuity and structural integrity in segmental pour applications for reinforced concrete construction. RHINO Formsavers eliminates drilling of expensive formwork, protects formwork by allowing stripping and cleaning of formwork in less time and allows for easier slip, gang and jump forming.
RHINO Formsavers are available in three styles:
For sizes #4 (13mm) to #7 (22mm), RHINO provides a friction welded coupler attached to rebar in factory standard sizes and custom lengths. The friction welded assembly is furnished with the mounting plate.
For sizes #4 (13mm) through #11 (36mm), RHINO provides an RHINO Form Mounting Plate ( FMP) that fits over a standard coupler and provides ability to mount the coupler or coupler/assembly to the formwork. The FMP is a plastic "snap-on" plate that fits onto any standard coupler.
For sizes #4 (13mm) through #11 (36mm), RHINO provides an RHINO Mounting Plate ( MP) that screws onto the end of a standard coupler and provides ability to mount the coupler or coupler/assembly to the formwork.
- Segmental Pours- Positioned within the form of the first pour to allow fastening prior to second pour
- Beam/Column Connection - A bent RHINO Formsaver is positioned in the column to structurally join the column
- Future Extension - Embedded within the concrete to structurally join the bar at a future date.
- Reinforced Masonry Applications - replaces lap splices in CMU